Its a great news for Nokia fans in India as Nokia, today launched their latest flagship device in India. In a press event held in New Delhi, Nokia announced the Lumia 1520 with a price tag of 46,999 INR. It was announced back in Nokia World. The device comes with a 6" massive display protected with Gorilla Glass 2 Full HD display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. It is powered by a 2.2 Ghz Quad Core CPU and Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chipset. It has a 20 MP rear camera which is supported by Camera apps like Nokia Camera, Nokia Refocus, Nokia Cimenagraph etc. along with OIS. This is also one of the first phone which is capable of clicking images in RAW format. It also has a 1.2 MP front camera for videocalling. The phone has 2 GB RAM and 32 GB inbuild storage which is expandable upto 64 GB. The device runs on WP8 latest update, aka GDR3(Lumia Black). The device comes with massive 3400 mAh. The Lumia 1520 will be available in Yellow, Red, Black and White. The device will cost 46,999 INR but Flipkart is taking Pre-Orders for 45,999 INR.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Nokia Lumia 1520 lands in India
Its a great news for Nokia fans in India as Nokia, today launched their latest flagship device in India. In a press event held in New Delhi, Nokia announced the Lumia 1520 with a price tag of 46,999 INR. It was announced back in Nokia World. The device comes with a 6" massive display protected with Gorilla Glass 2 Full HD display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. It is powered by a 2.2 Ghz Quad Core CPU and Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chipset. It has a 20 MP rear camera which is supported by Camera apps like Nokia Camera, Nokia Refocus, Nokia Cimenagraph etc. along with OIS. This is also one of the first phone which is capable of clicking images in RAW format. It also has a 1.2 MP front camera for videocalling. The phone has 2 GB RAM and 32 GB inbuild storage which is expandable upto 64 GB. The device runs on WP8 latest update, aka GDR3(Lumia Black). The device comes with massive 3400 mAh. The Lumia 1520 will be available in Yellow, Red, Black and White. The device will cost 46,999 INR but Flipkart is taking Pre-Orders for 45,999 INR.
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