Saturday, 14 December 2013

Nokia Russia demonstrates how to revive your water damaged Lumia

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Water is the worst nightmare of all the smartphone users. The afraid of letting your $500-600 smartphone falling in water is one of the worst dream. As Nokia always sustained all the crashes and falls from early times and for other smartphone makers who have tried to make smartphones waterproof and succeed too. This time Nokia Russia has taken a step and uploaded a DIY video to revive your water damaged Lumia device.The video is in Russian, please enable subtitles from the captions settings to fully understand the steps taken.

Smartphone dropped into a tub or toilet? DO NOT use a hair dryer. And look layfhak with instructions on how to revive the electronic friend.

Here are the simple steps:

  • Power Off the device and remove the battery, SIM card, and microSD card as quickly as possible
  • Dry your phone with a soft, absorbent cloth and carefully wipe down the headphone jack and charge port.
  • Placing your phone in a plastic bag filled with uncooked rice will absorb any remaining moisture.


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