It was Sunday morning when one of my friend sent me a video on WhatsApp. While downloading it on my Lumia device I spotted another feature available in WhatsApp Beta. You can check the image pictured on the right side.
New in version 2.11.406 of WhatsApp beta is now a progress bar which allows you to see how rapidly a video is downloading to your handset.
The progress bar unfortunately does not herald the arrival of larger videos on WhatsApp, as video size is still limited to 16 MB.
Other recent features include chat backgrounds, custom notification sounds, broadcast list management, privacy controls, settings backup and a lot more.
Users of the official WhatsApp app for Windows Phone remain eager to have all these new features pushed out to their handsets, and the information still remains that this is imminent.
New in version 2.11.406 of WhatsApp beta is now a progress bar which allows you to see how rapidly a video is downloading to your handset.
The progress bar unfortunately does not herald the arrival of larger videos on WhatsApp, as video size is still limited to 16 MB.
Other recent features include chat backgrounds, custom notification sounds, broadcast list management, privacy controls, settings backup and a lot more.
Users of the official WhatsApp app for Windows Phone remain eager to have all these new features pushed out to their handsets, and the information still remains that this is imminent.
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