The Lumia 530 is all set to launch in India, as the device is listed for pre-order in the country. The pre-orders for the device on Snapdeal are already sold out, and it looks like consumers who haven't managed to get their order in have to wait until the third week of August, which is when the device is slated to launch in the country.
The Lumia 530 is also listed on Flipkart, although the page only mentions that the device is "Coming Soon." Interested users can be notified of when the device is in stock by registering their interest on the site.
As for the details of the Lumia 530, the device is the most affordable Windows Phone 8.1 device, and while Microsoft India hasn't officially announced the pricing yet, it is believed that the device would not exceed Rs. 8,000 ($130) in India. For that kind of money, you get a 4-inch FWVGA screen, 1.2 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 200 CPU, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB internal memory, microSD card slot up to 128 GB, dual-SIM connectivity, 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, 5 MP camera along with a 1,430mAh battery.
How many of you are eagerly awaiting the launch of the Lumia 530 in India?
The Lumia 530 is also listed on Flipkart, although the page only mentions that the device is "Coming Soon." Interested users can be notified of when the device is in stock by registering their interest on the site.
As for the details of the Lumia 530, the device is the most affordable Windows Phone 8.1 device, and while Microsoft India hasn't officially announced the pricing yet, it is believed that the device would not exceed Rs. 8,000 ($130) in India. For that kind of money, you get a 4-inch FWVGA screen, 1.2 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 200 CPU, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB internal memory, microSD card slot up to 128 GB, dual-SIM connectivity, 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, 5 MP camera along with a 1,430mAh battery.
How many of you are eagerly awaiting the launch of the Lumia 530 in India?
Source: WPCentral
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