Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Windows App Mania needs Beta Testers

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We have always spend our quality time to inform our readers about the new Beta Testers programs that come in the span of time. Actually this post is a little different from others. We the editors of Windows App Mania community need your help to continue giving you the best possible experience on your device. We are searching for some Beta Testers to test our own app and help us to provide you more smooth experience. The process is quite simple for everyone. Below are some of the requirements to be a Beta Testers. Read them carefully:
You need to have a Windows Phone 8 or higher device (Our app does't support Windows Phone 7.x).
You need to have a Microsoft ID signed in your device.

That's it! Now if you are interested in helping us then we have a form below for you. Enroll yourself for the program and help us. For now we don't have much difference between the Public and Beta Apps but trust us their is more to come especially for users on Windows Phone 8.1 and above.

Fill the form HERE.

Note: The Beta App is absolutely free and contains no ads. You don't need to pay extra for it.


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