Ahead of the launch of the Xbox One in India on September 23, Amazon has the console available for pre-order for Rs. 39,990 ($650). Microsoft is launching two editions of the console in India — a standard Xbox One console without Kinect, which will retail for Rs. 39,990, and a Day One Edition that includes a Kinect sensor and two free games (FIFA 15 and Dance Central), which will be available for Rs. 45,990 ($750).
Amazon is incentivising the pre-orders of the console by giving away offers of up to Rs. 10,000 for the first 1,000 customers. The promotion includes Rs. 3,000 off the Xbox One controller (which costs Rs. 3,900 in the country), two free Blu-Ray titles worth Rs. 2,500, Rs. 2,000 off on speakers and Rs. 1,000 off on bags.
Interested? Head on to Amazon India from the link below to place your order.
Pre-Order Here: Amazon India
Via: WPCentral
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