Nokia India was busy yesterday sending out press invites to the tech media for a event for October 1, 2014. While the invite does not specify the plans for the afternoon, from what we know, the Lumia 830 will be launched at the event. Again, there's no price indication and the rumors put the price to be anywhere from ₹21,000-30,000 (US$340-480). Now Nokia India Facebook and Twitter pages went straight forward to another device that awaits launch in India. It's the selfie phone, aka Lumia 730.
The current tweet from Nokia India suggests that its the Lumia 730 which is going to be announced.
If only life was a little wider! Hmmm. Watch this space.
#GoWider #NewLumia
— Nokia India (@NokiaIndia) September 30, 2014
There's not been a shrug like that for the Lumia 930, or a nod like that for the Lumia 830. Maybe the device is announced to be made available a little later, or we are all surprised with the simultaneous launch of the phones. If Lumia 830 is priced at over ₹25,000, a sub-₹20,000 Lumia 730 would be a great alternative for customers looking for a mid-range dual SIM smartphone.While no phone accessories will be announced (sad, I know), a nifty, utility device might just be launched. Also, while there will be no exclusive tie-up with any online retailer as is increasingly becoming a trend in India, there might be a special promotion in partnership with one.
So what are your plans? Will you be picking any device?
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