Finally after waiting for almost 4 years, Opera has launched its mobile browser for Windows Phone OS. A few days ago, the company started to take the signups for the Beta app. Opera Mini is well know for being extremely fast due to pre-rendering content on a separate server and then only sending necessary data to handsets. It has more than 250 million users.
Here's a quick list of the Opera Mini's features:
Here's a quick list of the Opera Mini's features:
- Speed Dial - Set all your favorite websites on the home screen of the browser. Add as many entries as you like!
- Smart Page - Smart Page gives you instant updates from all your social sites on one screen.
- Tabs – Have more webpages open at the same time, allowing you to switch quickly between them while browsing.
- Save pages - Save pages you like for later reading, or for times you're not connected to the internet.
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