Many of you have a habit of storing Maps on SDCard as Nokia's Here Drive support offline navigation without the need of an active internet connection. But if you install many apps then downloading new maps can be a headache because by default maps are stored on Phone storage. We found out a way of storing maps to SDCard. For many of the readers this can be the oldest trick in the books but it may help others. Remember this will not move your old maps to the SDCard. You have to delete the old maps and download new ones on the SDCard. Head past below for the quick tutorial on how to store maps.
- First you need to download a app called Lumia Storage Check Beta. You can download it from Here. You can also get it via SysApp Pusher(In the beta apps section). Remember that it is a hidden beta so you can't find it straight on the Windows Phone Store.
- Now after installing the app open it. You will see the similar interface as we find on Storage Check in the system apps.
- Slide once. Now go to Maps(Tap Change)> Store Maps On> Select SDCard.
Waaooh!!! You are done. Now new maps will be stored on the SDCard. Remember you can't move the maps. You need to delete the old maps and download them again. This tutorial will only work on devices with Micro SD support.
Thanks...It helped me to save 1gb storage..
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